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Companionship Care

Mega Care provides professional companionship care across our branches.

Our aim is to help our clients live as independently as possible, whilst helping them to maintain a good emotional and mental well-being.

What is Companionship Care? 

Companionship care is focussed around providing support for those who are looking for company or wish to establish a sense of belonging. Having companionship care may also help a person re-establish parts of their self-identity, promote their independence and facilitate their engagement in their life roles.

The client does not necessarily have to live alone in order for companionship care to be appropriate for their needs; they may be coping with the loss of a loved one, not able to see their friends as much as they would prefer to or may simply want company and someone to have a conversation with. Loneliness can have serious effects on a person’s health, therefore the care provided aims to prevent loneliness through companionship care.

Many people we support with are primarily supported by a member of their family. Family carers need breaks and some time for themselves as well, companionship care enables ensuring that your loved one is well looked after, while you have some time off your caring role. We could also support you with accessing community, attending day centres and other events.

Our Caregivers

Mega Care can support clients with various tasks, including; supporting with the weekly shop, accessing the community to promote participation (i.e. hobbies), accompanying to a social event or providing company within their own home. If there are any tasks that you need support with, just ask or if there is any task that your beloved one needs support with, just ask.

Mega Care Plus Supporting you to be the Best Version of Yourself

Mega Care aim to support clients enhancing their general health and well-being. We believe that each individual can achieve their goals as well as setting new goals, for example, taking up a new hobby. Mega Care will discuss your goals and what you want to achieve and work with you in order to achieve these goals.

We believe that matching the client with the caregiver is imperative to allow the client to feel as comfortable as possible and hope this will increase their motivation and desire to work towards their personal goals.

Find the Perfect Companion/Caregiver

We wish to encourage you to participate in your roles and routines. We wish to support you in any endeavour you wish to promote your health and well-being. We wish for you to feel comfortable, dignified and respected and we believe our caregivers can support you to do so.
If you wish to know more about our personalised service, please do not hesitate to contact us; we will be happy to tell you more.

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