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Dementia and how it impacts your family 

There are many different forms of dementia. The more common forms are Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. What they all have in common is a loss of memory and an ability to carry out day to day tasks.

It is possible to care for someone who has dementia in their own home. The additional support required we can provide. Available for when you need it and for as long as you want.

How quickly an individual deteriorates will depend on many factors. Being able to recognise step changes in both behaviour and functions is all part of the caring process. Which is why our caregivers are trained and experienced in the different stages of dementia. 

It’s often the family members who struggle with the care elements of a loved one with dementia. Knowing the individual and witnessing how it affects the quality of life is upsetting. Seeking additional help and support often creates feelings of guilt.

Support for your family when you need it

One of the most important things is being able to support a family member so they can stay in their own home. A familiar, safe and comforting environment. This is top of the list for many people.  

Simple tasks such as making a cup of tea or getting dressed in the morning can become quite a challenge. But with a little help, these are easily done. Continuing to complete these tasks will provide you with a sense of continuity and reassurance. 

There are times when living with dementia in your own house has added danger. Mealtimes is one of those of occasions when food is being prepared and cooked in the kitchen. Lending a hand at these specific times ensures everyone remains safe. Family members can be reassured that someone is managing the situation.

Alzheimer’s care

This is a progressive disease that affects memory, thinking and behaviour. The part of the brain that controls memory deteriorates over time. This can leave patients frustrated and agitated. Constantly trying to process everyday life.  

Our caregivers are experienced in dealing with Alzheimer’s and understand the need to minimise stressful situations. They will provide help with personal care, household activities and companionship at home. Supporting clients with everyday tasks to ensure you stay in control for as long as possible. 

How dementia can affect the individual

Dementia is a disease that affects the brain. Which means it does have an impact on a person’s ability to carry out daily tasks. There will be instances where everything is not as it should be.

Short-term memory loss and frequent repetition of the same question within a relatively short period of time.

A struggle to process the answers to your questions. 

Difficulty finding the right words, either the name of a person or an everyday object.

To understand what you are saying and putting a context around it.

Mood swings can vary from elation to complete frustration and agitation.

Affecting movement and reduced mobility.

Dementia is a progressive disease so not all these elements will be seen at the same time. They will also change in terms of the degree of severity which is where our trained caregivers can help.

Our family will support you

Being able to help an individual in their own home is really important. It’s a shared priority we have with our clients. Which is why all our caregivers complete their dementia specialist training before they start supporting you.

Our team will provide structure to your day, create a sense of routine and help you with daily tasks. The type of support will range from providing medical prompts, getting dressed in the morning, attending social events to help in preparing an evening meal.

It will depend on what stage you have reached with dementia as to how involved you are with these tasks. Our caregivers will understand this and ensure you complete as much as you can. Maintaining that sense of independence for as long as possible.

Where help can be targeted

Certain activities can prove more challenging if you have dementia. A caregiver will help you with these so you remain in your own home.

Medical prompts

Often clients are on regular medication. Caregivers will prompt this at the appropriate time. They will also lock the tablets away so multiple doses cannot be taken by mistake when the caregiver is not there. 

Personal care

Supporting clients with a daily shower or bath. The act of getting dressed and choosing what to wear can be a bit daunting. Having someone there to help will make all the difference. Clients often have no sense of time so this is an important routine to start and end the day.

Meal times

Eating a regular healthy diet is really important for overall well-being. Help to prepare and serve meals will ensure this happens. It also keeps everyone safe in a potentially difficult environment.


Housekeeping tasks are often carried out. Our clients like to be part of this, working alongside the caregiver to keep their home clean and tidy. Putting the bins out on the right collection day can also be done. 

Social activities

Maintaining an active social life is good for our clients. Perhaps a little apprehensive about going out and socialising. Our caregivers provide the necessary support to continue with this type of activity. 

“I was impressed with the initial interview with the representative from Mega Resources whilst attending a rehabilitation centre. We discussed my mobility problem and help required with bathing and dressing. The standard and assistance by the carers have always been high. I have always been satisfied with their care and professionalism.”

—  M. Driver

Vascular dementia

This form of dementia is caused by a restricted blood supply to the brain. As with all these conditions, the progression and at what speed will vary depending on the individual. Short-term memory loss and difficulty concentrating are all very common symptoms.

Being able to stay at home in a familiar environment is very important. With help from our caregivers, this is possible. They understand how the condition progresses and recognise there are periods of stability. Being flexible and adapting to what is happening is all part of their duty of care.

Frequently asked questions

Do you have a continuity of caregivers?

We understand the importance of a familiar face visiting you on a regular basis. Our staff rotas are managed to ensure we can provide the same caregivers every week. You need to feel comfortable in your own home. Whilst our caregivers must understand your needs and how they can help you.

Will I be kept in the loop before any decisions are made?

We firmly believe in working as a team. You are part of that team. Which is why we ensure everybody is kept up to date with the current situation. This is done either through a conversation directly with you or in writing. 

Are your caregivers specifically trained to look after dementia patients and people with challenging behaviours?

Yes, we are. The nature of these conditions and the behaviour you can expect will mean we need to train all our carers specifically in these areas. Knowing how to react and deal with any scenario is vital. Without this sort of training, a situation could quickly escalate which is certainly something we want to avoid. 

Can your caregivers cook full meals?

Our caregivers can quite easily cook a full meal for our clients. Many just want a bit of company or help with preparing and cooking a meal. They are keen to maintain a level of independence for as long as possible. We can do all of this, depending on what the client wants to do. 

Can caregivers follow specific nutrition and diet plans for clients?

When a Care Plan is set-up all these details will be covered. It’s important to give our clients what they need. Which is why the Care Plan is so important. Specifying what is needed will help our caregivers provide the best possible care. This will include nutritional needs and dietary requirements.