Nursing Care (Level-3)

Care for a range of health conditions 

There are long-term health conditions that require specialist care support. These can vary depending on what you need which is why our service remains flexible. We provide level-3 nursing care which will cover a number of circumstances.

The first step is to create a specific Care Plan for your needs. This will enable us to provide the right level of support for you which will include medical, personal care and help with mobility.

Cerebral palsy care

A condition that affects your movement and coordination. The extent to which it can impact your daily life will vary. Providing regular daily support or live-in care will help you remain in your own home.

We also recognise there are other specialists supporting you such as doctors, physiotherapists and occupational health services. Our aim is to work together and ensure you have everything you need. Often giving feedback to the relevant health professional should your condition change.

Multiple sclerosis care

For many this a progressive condition that can affect your arm or leg movements, balance, vision as well as chronic fatigue. The progression is different for each individual but with targeted home care your condition can be managed.

You may need daily visits to help with routine activities such as personal care, shopping and household activities. We can also provide live-in care. It’s really important to find you a carer who is compatible. Companionship is just as important. Being able to cook and eat meals together will help maintain a healthy outlook.

Cancer care

We may all know someone who has been affected by cancer. Either a family member or a friend. Once a diagnosis has been made there is so much to think about. Which is why you can rely on Mega Resources to help you through these difficult times.

The level of support you need can vary considerably. Our caregivers are focussed on helping everyone involved. Activities will include personal care, a range of housekeeping tasks and support post-chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Anything you need to allow you to spend as much quality time as you want with loved ones. We also have caregivers who are trained in palliative care should you need it.

Physical injuries

Suffering a physical injury as the result of an accident will mean you need extra support at home. The level of help required will depend on the type of injury and how it affects your mobility.

Using SMART objectives, we work with you to ensure the relevant Care Plan is put in place for your needs. Our goal is to ensure you achieve a positive outcome.

The Occupational Health Therapist will want to see a care package in place before you can go home. We will make this happen for you, working together to give you the right support and keep you safe in your own home. Providing you with added reassurance at a time when you may feel vulnerable.

“All the carers visiting mum are polite, caring and do what they should. Mum is given a list of who is coming, when they are coming as she asked who would be next to call, communication between Mega Resources Nursing and Care is good. They are very professional and I am very happy with the care given.”

—  J. Savage

Bariatric care

If your health is being adversely affected due to obesity, surgery might be the only option. For any operation of this type, care at home is a critical part of the support you will need. This may extend to before and post-operative care, all of which our caregivers are trained to deliver.

In our experience, this is as much about supporting you along your journey as it is looking after your medical needs. A change of lifestyle is recommended after the surgery and our caregivers can support you with this.  

We will take care of you and all your needs post-operation to ensure there is no infection, blood clots or internal bleeding. But also providing you with motivation and reassurance for the next step. We will support you when talking to nutritionists and will follow the diet plan whilst undertaking a new exercise regime.  

Care for visual impairment, partial sight loss and blindness 

This is a condition that can affect people of all ages which means each individual’s care needs are different. For many, it can be a life-changing situation but with a little help from us, you can continue to live life to the full.

You may need help through a period of adjustment to allow you to become re-acquainted with a familiar place. Maybe longer-term support is required to help with daily tasks. Our caregivers are trained to keep you in control and safe from any dangers. This can be delivered through visiting care or live-in care, whichever is best for your needs.

Support for the hard of hearing

Losing your hearing can be a very isolating experience. Everyday sounds that you take for granted are no longer audible. This will have an impact on your ability to live in your own home. But with a little extra support from us, you will be able to adjust and manage. 

Our caregivers will look for ways to help you cope at home. Communication is quite key so lip-reading or sign language can be invaluable and something our caregivers are trained to do. They will always encourage you to remain involved in how you manage your home. Supporting you with a range of housekeeping activities and food shopping.